
A new blog!

It has been a while since I have last blogged. While the last blog was primarily about my travels, this one about staying in one place, more or less.

Here is the rub though, I am not staying in my home country Switzerland. I am moving to the United States. I am going to live in Ohio for at least the next two years.

Kent State University has granted me a stipend, therefore I will attend grad school there and work as a teaching assistant when I am not in class (apart from doing the usual: walk the dog, play with the cat, ride horses and bikes, love J., eat sushi and burritos, and sleep).

I am very excited to return to Ohio and my loved one(s), I am still going to miss my friends and family back in Switzerland and elsewhere though..

This blog is meant to keep you posted about my undoubtedly exciting life (not!) as a grad student. I will also keep you updated on what is going on in the Midwest or, as a matter of perspective, across the big pond.

I even plan on writing in German from time to time, so those less keen on English get their news, too.

I know I am going to miss you all. I really hope we can keep in touch and we meet again soon (in Ohio!).

Love, Jen

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